Childhood Rematered: Episode 47 – Disney’s DuckTales part 2

Childhood Rematered: Episode 47 – Disney’s DuckTales part 2

Episode 47 – DuckTales part 2

This week we wrap up our coverage of the iconic Disney animated series DuckTales. The show is fantastic, we already know that. But there is so much to talk about, that we split it into two parts. There were Video Games to talk about fan theories to sus out. Chris even calculated the total gold and it’s value within the Scrooge’s Money Bin. Why, because he’s devoted? Well yes,  but mostly just obsessive compulsive. Wind down the rabbit hole as we prepare our minds for the new DuckTales series!


Carl Barks, Don Rosa, Jymn Magon, Mark Mueller, Jeff Pescetto, Ron Jones, Duckburg, Alan Young, Scrooge McDuck, Russi Taylor, Joan Gerber, Capitol Critters, Frank Welker, Terry McGovern, Launchpad McQuack, THX 1138, Star Wars, George Lucas, Brian Cummings, Denver the Last Dinosaur, FernGully The Last Rainforest, Beauty and the Beast, Fenton Crackshell, Gizmoduck, Hamilton Camp, MST3K, Flintheart Glomgold, Hal Smith, Goofy, Magica De Spell, June Foray, El Capitán, Jim Cummings, Number one Dime, The Billfold,, David Tennant, NES, Nintendo, Naughty Ducks Dream Adventures, Mega Man, Tokyo Movie Shinsha, Wang Film Productions

From Wikipedia:

Though Scrooge is the richest duck in the world, he constantly tries to find ways to increase his wealth. Many episodes involve protecting his wealth from villains who want to rob Scrooge of all his money. The prominent recurring antagonists in the show include the Beagle Boys and Magica De Spell who are always finding ways to rob and swindle Scrooge and his nephews. Scrooge’s nemesis in the show is Flintheart Glomgold, the second-richest duck in the world, who always tries to devise plans to unseat Scrooge McDuck from his “Richest Duck in the World” title. A few of the stories also surround Scrooge’s “Number One Dime“, the first money Scrooge ever earned, which Scrooge considers to be the source of his good luck and wealth. Scrooge keeps the dime in a glass jar in his money vault, and constantly protects it from the villains on the show.



List of Characters: List of DuckTales characters
List of Ducktales episodes:
NES Himalayas stage music:*PrktCyDN5E
NES Transylvania stage music:
NES Moon Theme stage music:
Insane Cherry animals DuckTales cover:
Scientifically accurate DuckTales:
[email protected]

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