Loch Ness transcript

Here some twitter comments regarding the Loch Ness discussion from the “Aaron Sequence”

The discussion appears at about 45 minute into the podcast and goes something like this:
Guy: Have you been to Scotland?
Aaron: Yes…
G: That Loch Ness Monster… do they really believe in that?
A: Of all the things in the world that was the thing I was most willing to believe as a kid… it broke my heart when I was in my teens… and sonar technology had been perfected and basically trolled the whole lake and nothing was there, not even a large fish.
G: I remember when I was a kid… I read that a bus full of nuns saw it and a bus full of nuns would never lie.
A: Those nuns were also on the tourism board.




  1. Poor Aaron… he’s forgotten THE most important part of this… Nessie, having been alive and in the Loch for nigh on a hundred years or more, is pretty damn clever! She HIDES when the sonar comes a-calling! ;’ )

  2. I knew it!

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