A FIRST for Gutting the Sacred Cow podcast, we’ve brought back @BillSchulz from @morninbillandjo on @compoundmedia! Bill’s first attempt with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was solid but does he punch this alien movie right in the face while yelling, “Welcome to Earth?” Or does ID4 fanboy @KevinIsrael_NJ fly a fighter jet right into the mothership? @KevinGootee enjoys the fireworks with these 2, whose side does he take? If you haven’t had the chance, go check KG on the Dave Landau and Anthony Cumia show on 6/2!
Head over to www.guttingthesacredcow.com and check out our blog and #listsof10 we post EVERY DAY. Also on the website, you can grab a hat, shirt, mug, or even cell phone case with our logos/faces on them. You can also find us on Youtube and see Kevin G’s new haircut and Kevin I’s unruly head of hair and beard.
@KevinGootee www.kevingootee.com
@Kevinisrael_NJ www.kevinisrael.com
@Billschulz @morninbillandjo @compoundmedia
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