Welcome to Something New (or… How We Got Here)

Welcome to Something New (or… How We Got Here)

(I suppose that’s the best way to start this off)…


(Now, trying to sum up the culmination of almost 20 years of work, that’s the tricky part).


Hi? Still here? Great!

You may (or may not, depending on how much you frequent this website) have noticed this site has been perpetually changing… almost evolving. Let me explain:

In 2002, I started a journey that culminated in my tackling of the [adult swim] fandom universe. Eventually, for one reason or another (blame adulting), the original concept was ditched and replaced by… podcasting! Since 2011, this site has been a one stop shop for some of the most fun and different shows (in the Arts, Comedy, Popular Culture, etc.) and until the end of time, will continue to be. However, evolution.

This year, for obvious reasons has been a tumultuous one (Murder Hornets, amirite???). I personally started this year with rebooting the long-running Adventure Club Podcast. Why, you ask? Branding, mostly. When you come up with a name for a podcast, and suddenly there’s a Canadian Dubstep group, a movie starring Billy Zane, countless NAME Adventure Club Podcasts, and (what really crossed the line) a Nike subscription service for kids… you can see how difficult it could be to stand out. The format was another reason… obviously the show (co-hosts, guests, discussions) didn’t begin as it had ended. Thus, Pop-Culture Anonymous was born… which is kinda funny since we went from ACP to PCA… that wasn’t even by design!

So, we started PCA, and had a better (more structured) show… and then pandemic. Third show in we did live on Discord (to an audience of maybe one?) to help entertain people who may have been in need of some kind of a distraction. This led to us doing a live Twitch show. Twitch has been at ACPN’s disposal between occasional live shows of random subjects (mostly Sharknado) as well as Friday Night Gaming Events (FriNGE), but this was something different. Ultimately, we decided to shift from podcasting to full-on Twitch.

Since then we’ve been doing Game Nights, Riff Nights (riffing commercials, training videos, etc. in MST3000 style) and a 24/7 stream of the craziest stuff… from cartoons, comedy, music, gaming, short films, “classic” stuff from the internet, and more! (P.S.: If you’re looking to showcase you’re content, you may want to hit us up).  Of course, we kinda fell behind on podcasts for a bit… but we’re hoping to pick that up. We DO have a stellar line-up of podcasts if you check out the roster/show pages in the link above.

(So yeah, that was a TL:DR thing… here come the meat and potatoes… let’s finish strong, John)


Having said all that… with everything that’s been going on… Podcast Network, Twitch Channel with super awesome original content, Blog in order to (maybe?) write some articles, Social Networks, Video Content, impending [adult swim] fansite revival (WHAAA?!?!?)… I mean, it only stands to reason that this should become some kind of Audio-Visual Entertainment Network, right?

So, in an even less TL:DR…




About The Author

John J. Galbo

New York-based John J. is the Creator/EiC for [adult swim] central and founder of the Art Comedy Pop-Culture Network. He has hosted podcasts like The Swimcast and Pop-Culture Anonymous, among others.

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